We are pleased to announce the upcoming release of the GVR5 (Ground Vehicle Radio 5) enabled with Wave Relay® technology from Persistent Systems
The GVR5 is a modular dual-band high-bandwidth MANET radio designed to benefit vehicles with the networking capability of the highly acclaimed Wave Relay® enabled MPU5 radio. Providing up to 120Mbps of throughput for voice, data and video, the GVR5 is ideally suited to applications with complex vehicle LAN architecture, or a need for a Communication Plan based on PACE (Primary, Alternate, Contingency and Emergency).
Using existing RF modules designed for use with the MPU5, the GVR5 supports two RF modules concurrently, allowing for communication in any combination of L-Band, S-Band, Lower C-Band and Upper C-Band frequencies. An upcoming firmware release will allow the GVR5 to connect directly to an internet backhaul such as an LTE hotspot or Satcom access point via Cloud Relay®.
Designed from the ground up to be a military-spec rugged radio, the GVR5 is shock-mounted to protect the radio from any impact damage when traversing difficult terrain or when subject to ballistic and gunfire shock.
Due for release in November 2020, the GVR5 will be qualified for vehicle specific test including gunfire shock and MIL-STD-1275 vehicle power systems.