Steatite Antennas a UK designer and manufacturer of test and measurement antennas launches two new EMC horn antennas suitable for EMC testing and general measurement applications.
Steatite is pleased to be able to provide a 2 to 18 GHz dual linearly polarised open boundary quad-ridged wideband horn antenna in a compact package. The QWH-DL-2-18-S-SG offers polarisation diversity and the ability to measure two orthogonally polarised fields simultaneously. In the test environment, the antenna allows polarisations to be remotely changed without physically rotating the antenna. The antenna provides isolation of >30 dB between connectors and gain 3.9 to 15.9 dBi.
To complement the open boundary antenna, is a high power 0.8 to 18 GHz linearly polarised dual-ridged horn antenna providing maximum 500 Watt c.w. and gain between 2.8 and 18 dBi. Suitable for EMC radiation and immunity testing. Part number: QWH-SL-08.-18-N-SG comes with an N type connector and choice of mounting options.
Steatite Antennas has a significant portfolio of single and dual polarised multi-octave standard and high gain antennas providing consistent and reliable performance. The Company also supplies specialised HiRF Antennas operating over the frequency range 0.4 to 18 GHz, and two of its established antennas are Ford Motor Company recognised. The Company’s antennas satisfy EMC radiated and immunity testing applications. Please email: sales@q-par.com for more information or click this link http://www.steatiteqpar-antennas.co.uk/news/new-dual-polar-2-18.html